LLVM Early Assignment
The assignment is divided into two parts:
- Coding Warmup: In the first part of the assignment, you will run through the following colab notebooks and then aggregate them together for something new.
- Theory Questions: In the second part of the assignment, you will need to download this pdf early_assignment_theory and finish all the questions.
Submission Instructions
For the theory questions, following the instructions in the PDF file and submit your latex typeset answers as a single PDF.
All assignments that involve writing are to be typset using LaTeX. this is not a suggestion, submissions in any other format (Handwritten notes, MS Word documents, etc.) are not graded.
For the coding warmup, submit a notebook of your results (as an .ipynb file).
Both assignments are due at 5:00PM on 2/3/25. Please submit them on Gradescope (Course Entry Code: 6JRN4P)